Our Story
The story begins in 2006, when Bastien Busi (aka “Bad Eagle“) started working as a ghost producer for some Majors of the Music Industry.
One successful collaboration leading to another, he quickly established his name in the Pop/Rock/Metal scene.
In 2012, his career takes a new turn with the creation of Bad Eagle Studios.
This facility gathered a world-class music production & audio post-production studio targeting a demanding professional clientele (Universal Music, Sony Music, EMI…), as well as the first Master’s Degree in Sound Engineering courses of the world.
He teamed up with talented sound engineers, producers, and audio professionals to create this unique hub of competences.
With this experience, and willing to share our expertise with independent artists, we have implemented a proposal making the highest quality standards (which have made our reputation with international artists and record labels) accessible to everyone.
Facing a rapidly changing market, the resizing of our project is proving wise. It is in tune with the new players in the music scene who are expecting a very high quality of services (excellence, listening, responsiveness), at more affordable prices. UPPERGROUND was built on those foundations.